Tim Katharevouse dari SMA Taruna Nusantara meraih Runner-up (Juara 2) di ajang Global Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022
Results of Global Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge:
We had 43 teams from 18 countries for the GYEC 2022 and this year awards go to the following teams. We would like to congratulate the awarded teams and also all the participants who worked very hard for the Challenge.

1. Avriza Devano Bestafa, from SMP N 5 Yogyakarta
2. Abella Maya Santi, from SMPI AL Azhar 22 Sentra Primer, East Jakarta
3. Adinda Salsabila, from MTS Bilingual Muslimat NU Pucang, Sidoarjo
4. Hammada Pranaja Katili, from SMP N 1 Magelang
5. Maretta Ardelia, from SMP N 5 Yogyakarta

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