Mock Lecture At NTU

The Taruna Nusantara High School goodwill group recently embarked on a visit to Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore on Wednesday 10 May 2023. The delegation was led by the Head of SMA Taruna Nusantara, two administrators, four teachers and 36 students who were all eager to gain insights and experience from one of the world’s leading universities.

The visit aimed to foster collaboration between NTU and Taruna Nusantara High School as well as provide insights into what makes NTU a top-ranking institution. The itinerary for the visit included a wide range of activities geared towards making the visit as interactive and informative as possible.

At the beginning of the visit, the delegation was treated to a Mock Lecture on English Literature by a renowned NTU lecturer. The lecture was highly informative and engaging and provided an excellent opportunity for the students to gain insights into the latest developments in the field of English Literature. The session was equally informative for the teachers and other members of the delegation.

After the Mock Lecture session, the delegation was given an opportunity to interact with Taruna Nusantara High School alumni who were currently studying at NTU. The alumni shared their academic and social experiences with the visitors and answered all their questions. This gave the delegation an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the various opportunities available at NTU, which will be useful in their academic and personal lives.

The visit also included a guided campus tour highlighting the university’s state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technologies. The delegation was impressed with the modern, tech-driven infrastructure of the university which helped cement their aspirations to pursue higher education at top-ranking universities like NTU.

Additionally, the group was taken through an admission presentation that enlightened them about the admission processes and requirements for studying at NTU. The informative session helped the delegation understand the importance of careful planning, academic excellence, and broader perspectives in achieving academic success.

Overall, the visit was an immense success, especially for the 36 students who found it to be an exciting and informative learning experience. The interactive nature of the visit helped the students understand more about the possibilities of a global education and how institutions like NTU could shape their academic and professional future.

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