2022 Summer Quarter Graduate Spotlight – Lt. Rizky Windu Karsa, Indonesian Navy
302 x ditonton 23 Sep 2022 Strengthening relationships with our allies and partners through education is fundamental to our warfighting advantage. Lt. Rizky Windu Karsa, a surface warfare officer in the Indonesian Navy is among 29 international students from 8 partner nations who will graduate alongside 270 other warrior-scholars as part of the Naval Postgraduate School’s 2022 Summer Quarter cohort. Rizky’s analysis of Indonesia’s participation with the U.S. Navy in the annual Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) bilateral exercise earned recognition earning the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for International Students and the International Student Award for Excellence in Regional or Security Studies. Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) bilateral exercise series in Southeast Asia has brought together the U.S. and regional partners including Indonesia, since 1985, with the common goal of ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific maritime security environment. LT Rizky, who earned a master’s degree in Security Studies focused on combating terrorism, and his fellow international graduates exemplify how NPS works to “Strengthen Strategic Partnerships” with allied navies – a priority for U.S. Secretary of the Navy Carlos del Toro. Watch Rizky graduate with his international and U.S. colleagues from the Summer Quarter cohort on Friday, Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. Pacific / 1 p.m. Eastern on the NPS Live streaming channel at https://www.nps.edu/watchlive. #CARAT #IndoPacific #partnerships #graduation #research #NPS #NavalPostgraduateSchool