Awesome TN Vocal Group

The Taruna Nusantara High School Vocal Group team has made their school proud by securing the second place at the 2023 English and Music Days event held at UKSW Salatiga on February 25, 2023. 

The team gave an incredible performance by singing two classic songs, “I’ll be there” by Jackson 5 and “Happy” by GAC, under the guidance of their art teacher, Nicolas Ferdetta Lakusa, M.Pd.

The team members, Reinathan Ezkhiel Kurniawan, Fatika Permata Dewi, Nayla Adzra Latisha Zega, Benita Bernadine Indrawati, Marvio Gilford Liman Cahyadi, and Farel Janave Munthe, spent countless hours practicing and perfecting their performances.

They captivated the judges and the audience with their impressive vocals, harmonies, and stage presence.

The competition was stiff, with several talented teams from various schools participating in the event. 

However, the TN High School vocal group team stood out with their unique and soulful renditions of the two songs.

Art teacher Nicolas Ferdeta Lakusa, M.Pd. was delighted with his students’ success, “I am incredibly proud of these students.

They have worked tirelessly under my guidance to prepare for this event. Their talent, hard work, and dedication have paid off, and I couldn’t be happier for them.”

The judges for this event were lecturers from the faculties of language and art of UKSW, are: Agastya Rama Listya, MSM, Ph.D., Poedji Soesila, M.A and Bagus Gangsar Wibisono S.Pd.

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